Monday, January 25, 2010

We're married!

So JJ finally stopped dragging his feet and now I'm Mrs. Wilson :). He's now off doing the air force thing in the middle east and loving it. (totally kidding he's reading thats how bored he is.....he never reads) We are going on our honeymoon when he gets back and we are going to Mexico on a cruise. Im so excited to go and for him to hurry up and be back already. This has definitely been the hardest deployment by far, both on me and on him.
I'm still a physical therapy aide at a local physical therapy office and I'm really enjoying my time there, though sometimes early retirement is very tempting as I am not a morning person and this job requires me to be up earlier then I'd like :) still it is great working there and I'm very lucky to have found an awesome boss, co-workers, and patients to work with. I'm seriously considering a career in this field or something similar. (ie speech pathology, sociology major). Hopefully/ I will be returning to school in the summer to start the schooling process once again!
I still have my adorable puppy who is getting better and better as she gets older and is learning to listen better. She is a big comfort with JJ being gone and is always very silly. Life is great right now with the exception of JJ not being here. I have a funtastic roommate who is great and we have loads of fun and laughter here. So life has been crazy and continues to be that way but in the grand scheme of things its just part of life :D

1 comment:

  1. Dear Natalee, you are crazy have some babies that are going to be cute.
    Love you!
